note_splitter.settings module

The user’s application settings and related functions.

QtCore.QSettings cannot correctly save booleans, so booleans are saved as integers.


Whether or not to append a backlink to the source file in each new file.


The uncompiled regex pattern for blockquotes.


The uncompiled regex pattern for code fences.


Whether or not to copy frontmatter from the source file to each new file.


Whether or not to copy global tags from the source file to each new file.


Whether or not to create an index file.


The absolute path to the user’s folder where new files will be saved.


The uncompiled regex pattern for empty lines.


The format of the file IDs.


The uncompiled regular expression to use to extract file IDs from the files.


The format of the new file names. Does not include the file extension.


The uncompiled regex pattern for file paths in links.


The uncompiled regex pattern for finished tasks.


The uncompiled regex pattern for footnotes.


The uncompiled regex pattern for frontmatter fences.


The uncompiled regex pattern for headers.


The uncompiled regex pattern for horizontal rules.


The uncompiled regex pattern for math fences.


Whether or not to copy footnotes into each new file that has the relevant footnote references, and remove them from the ones that don’t have the relevant references.


The file extensions of the files that may be chosen to be split. Each must start with a period.


The uncompiled regex pattern for ordered list items.


Whether or not to create Block tokens while parsing.


Whether or not to remove the split keyword from the source file and new file(s).


Whether or not to replace the parts of the source file that was split out with links to the new files.


The absolute path to the user’s folder containing the files to be split.


The attributes to split by. If the chosen split type has an attribute, it can be used to narrow down what to split by.


The tag/keyword the program searches for to know which file(s) to split.


The output-formatted name of the type to split by. This can be any token type, even an abstract one.


The uncompiled regex pattern for table dividers.


The uncompiled regex pattern for table rows.


The uncompiled regex pattern for tags.


The uncompiled regex pattern for tasks.


The uncompiled regex pattern for unordered list items.


Whether or not the split keyword was used to find file(s) to split.

The settings for the formats of file names and IDs can use the following variables:

  • %uuid4 - A universally unique identifier.

  • %title - The title of the file (the body of its first header, or the first line

    of the file if there is no header).

  • %Y - The current year.

  • %M - The current month.

  • %D - The current day.

  • %h - The current hour.

  • %m - The current minute.

  • %s - The current second.

Additionally, the file name format setting can use the %id variable which gets replaced with the ID of the file as described by the file ID format setting.

Every time file_id_format is changed, file_id_regex must be updated.

note_splitter.settings.add_new_settings(settings: PySide6.QtCore.QSettings) None

Add any new settings to the registry without overwriting existing ones.

note_splitter.settings.export_settings() None

Exports the settings from the registry to a JSON file.

note_splitter.settings.get_token_type(type_name: str) type

Get a token type by name.


type_name (str) – The output-formatted name of the token type to get.

note_splitter.settings.get_token_type_name(token_type: type) str

Get the token type’s output-formatted name.


token_type (type) – The token type to get the name of.

note_splitter.settings.get_token_type_names(filter_predicate: Optional[Callable[[type], bool]] = None, all_token_types: Optional[list[type]] = None) list[str]

Get all token types’ output-formatted names.

  • predicate (Callable, optional) – A function that filters the token types.

  • all_token_types (list, optional) – A list of all token types. If not provided, the list of all token types will be fetched.

note_splitter.settings.import_settings() None

Attempts to import settings from a JSON file to the registry.

Overwrites any existing conflicting settings. Ignores any settings with keys that are not in the default settings.

note_splitter.settings.reset_settings() None

Clears all settings and saves the default settings to the registry.

Does not clear settings from the user interface.

note_splitter.settings.show_message(text: str) None
note_splitter.settings.update_from_checkbox(setting_name: str, check_box: PySide6.QtWidgets.QCheckBox) None

Updates a setting in the registry with a check box’s state.

note_splitter.settings.update_from_combo_box(setting_name: str, combo_box: PySide6.QtWidgets.QComboBox) None

Updates a setting in the registry with a combo box’s value.

note_splitter.settings.update_from_line_edit(setting_name: str, line_edit: PySide6.QtWidgets.QLineEdit) None

Updates a setting in the registry with a line edit’s text.

note_splitter.settings.update_setting(setting_name: str, value: Any) None

Updates a setting in the registry.